
Opportunity for Participation in UpDoNA’s Membership Committee

One of the most important keys to UpDoNA’s health and effectiveness in working with the city is the size of our organization.  There is strength in numbers, and the larger we are, the more likely we are to have the ears of elected officials.

Our business membership has been growing at a much faster rate than our residential membership.  It’s important to grow our residential membership.  We are looking for volunteers to help us in this very important effort.

As a committed member, you’ll be contacting various residential buildings in Upper Downtown, working with the management and boards to let them know all the great things that UpDoNA has done.  Perhaps you can give a presentation if you enjoy that.  Or you may work at and UpDoNA table which we may set up on the mall or at an event.  This is your chance to work with people and help UpDoNA.  Whatever your talent, strengths or preferences, we can find a way to use you.

Please contact Melissa Matuska or Carolyn Benton by just sending an email to info@updona.org or filling out a form on our website at https://updona.org/become-a-volunteer/

Get involved in your community by helping UpDoNA

Thumbnail attribution: Rob Squire

Previous Gasman Automotive Solutions

UpDoNA is a City Registered Neighborhood Organization representing the community of Denver’s Upper Downtown.

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Website design by Right Track Associates, Inc.